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FmDates > FmEvtJaunaMuzika2004 ${ Edit }}+-C67

farmersmanual performance at JaunaMuzika festival, 16.04.2004, contemporary art centre, vilnius, lithuania.

entitled ø-weoweo (Øscmnägw - We'll Watch Each Other Watch Each Other)



farmersmanual comes down in a standard triplet configuration this time. in the usual manner the byproducts of social and technological networking are being picked up instead of discarded and after sufficient transformation projected into audible space as a symphony of concurrency. for the uninitiated, a piece whose score gets written by the activities and interaction of a multitude of known and unknown persons and at least the equal amount of machines. specifity arises from a mapping of event-type to sonic process and selection of event sources, where an event can be anything along the lines of someone fetching their email, a portscan being run against a server, a temperature change at vilnius airport or a news headline regarding EC patent law making it's round.

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