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[]{#Workshop_at_Vooruit_2004_02} Workshop at Vooruit 2004/02

                   ____..........___      __,,........._
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              ,'                                                        `-.._
            ,'                                                               `-..
          ,'                                                                     `-..__
        ,'                                                                                   .-                                                                                
      |    Hi !                                                                          |

      |    i'd like to thanks you all for the great four days spent in Gent. It was       |
      |    all so quiet and yet so many things intresting happens inside/outside my       |
      |    head.                                                                          /
      |                                                                                 ,'
      |    thanks again.                                                               /
      |    bye.                                                                       /
      \                                                                              /
      `.   pierre                                                                   '
       |.                                                                   _.--'
         `--._                                                     _,,...-''
              `-.._                    _________,,...........---'''
                   `._           ,,-'''
                      `.       ,'
                        `-.                              `._                               `.`.


Topics included:


36591 33859 42511
35425 28384 41044
40748 35710 38700
31761 36811 42040
38975 26901 36172
42235 31429 34704
38573 40440 35888
33042 40589 37910
27755 33431 40324
29949 28097 39572
30025 26570 33905
35491 25773 31761
35844 30232 27605
41101 33004 29515
39818 36762 29627
38793 38195 30163
33204 37855 28658
30033 39351 32664
26381 35083 34855
32141 32739 27079


Revision r1.1 - 05 Jul 2005 - 13:17 - TWikiGuest
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